Ruthless Equity

The most comprehensive resource for building staff capacity around equitable practice; effectively, powerfully, and practically.

The Ruthless Equity Video Book Study

A 9-Week Interactive Video Book Study

The Ruthless Equity Video Book Study is the only implementation
program of its kind that not only teaches you what equity
is (and isn’t), but awakens you to both the mindset and
practices that will make your equity work meaningful.

Before I Tell You About This
Game-Changing Resource, Let’s
Talk About Who This Is Really For…

You’re a school principal who wants to make equity meaningful but not sure how to make that happen. A leader who’s tired of symbolic and cosmetic gestures of equity that are only rooted in race and culture when your instincts tell you that equitable practice serves ALL students. You’re a leader hungry to build capacity around equitable practice that “improves learning for Timmy tomorrow.”

Does this sound like you?

  • Do you wake up dreading the thought that your teachers and leaders have no idea how to ensure equity for every student?

  • Do you stress at the thought that some of your teachers don’t believe that all kids can learn at high levels?

  • Do you secretly find yourself deeply frustrated and worn down by the excuses offered as to why kids aren’t learning?

  • Does the fact that all your teacher teams aren’t on the same page about equity secretly chip away at your confidence as a leader?

  • Deep down, are you somewhat unsure of what it takes to embed equity schoolwide, and ensure equity for each and every one of your students? 

  • Do issues like equity, racism, and social justice feel like a powder keg set to explode and completely fracture your school?

Do you lie awake at night feeling like you’ve fallen short of empowering your staff to deliver on the promise of equity, excellence, and achievement, for ALL students, regardless of background? If so, you’re in the right place and I’m going  to tell you exactly how The Ruthless Equity Accelerator is going to give you the tools, inspiration, and support on your journey to build capacity around equitable practice.

By the end of this program you will:

  • work with super-charged confidence because teachers and leaders will have clarity around how to ensure equity for EVERY student.
  • embed equitable practices that make improving student achievement both measurable and predictable.
  • see teacher efficacy will improve. Teachers won’t wonder if they make a difference; they’ll know they are the difference!
  • discover how using an equity lens with data transforms teaching, leading, and learning on every team on your campus. 
  • your district will move from selective and cosmetic gestures of equity to equitable practices that are practical, tangible, measurable, and impactful
  • and…you’ll do all this while reconnecting with the joy, passion and purpose you had when you started this work.

What's Inside...

Tap each module for additional details

Module 1: Equity Initiatives – The Right Thing Done The Wrong Way

You’re going to learn why belonging, a crucial and missing link in equity work, has to be a part of your Ruthless Equity journey. You’ll not only explore belonging as a part of your school’s culture. You’ll also explore it as a part of your personal history. 

You’ll learn why well-intentioned diversity efforts fall short of the mark, and how a culture of belonging delivers what diversity efforts cannot.

Learn how to embed a sense of belonging at your school, at no cost and no additional staffing. And the coolest part is that the protocol can be implemented the following morning baby! Are you already encouraged by how practical this sounds? You’re moving from talk to action in module 1 baby!

Module 2: Radioactive Rhetoric

Your Grumpy Uncle makes his first appearance as you come face to face with what equity work is on many campuses; gestures rooted in rhetoric, symbols, gestures, and optics. 

You’ll learn how to identify examples of Selequity (selective equity) and Cosmequity (cosmetic equity) and determine if they exist on your campus. 

In this module, you’ll pull equity down from the clouds and lay it on your doorstep. We’re going to move equity work from global to local so you can help “Timmy” tomorrow.

Module 3: Complacency – The Enemy of Equity

You’re going to meet Complacency, the enemy of equity, in a few of its many forms. If you’re imagining many of the obvious negative ways Complacency shows itself, that’s a good start. But what you’ll learn is the subtlety of Complacency; the seductive nature of Complacency, and how it shows up in our existing policies and practices. 

 You’ll also learn why you must be ruthless in your mission to ensure equity, excellence, and achievement for all students, regardless of background. You’ll finish this module with a new perspective on the word ruthless.

Module 4: Ruthless Equity

You cannot achieve what you cannot define. Ask 45 people to define equity and you’ll get 55 different definitions. In this module, you’ll knock the ambiguity out of equity by defining it and making it accessible, practical, and actionable. 

Accelerate your equity journey by identifying factors that impede equity and factors that advance equity, and why you must be ruthless with both!

Module 5: The First Rule of Ruthlessness – A Commitment to Courage Over Comfort

Who doesn’t want change for the better? Disrupting the status-quo sounds good, rolls off the tongue and looks enticing from a distance. But in reality, most prefer not to stand out or work in ways that are counter to the majority. 

This module prepares you for what to expect from yourself and what to be aware of in others when you work for change. Disrupting the status-quo takes courage, and you’ll be more empowered once you understand the price of admission.

Module 6: The Second Rule of Ruthlessness – A Commitment to Dismantling Ability Groups

Ability groups are one of the most persistent inequitable practices in schools today.  In this module, you’ll learn why the practice is inequitable and a viable alternative that advances equity for all students. 

Grouping students by “ability” is one of the most pronounced fixed-mindset practices in existence. Ability groups and every other tracking policy and practice must be dismantled and eradicated.

Module 7: The Third Rule of Ruthlessness – A Commitment to Start With The Crown

Strengthen your practice when you Start With The CROWN, not with the kid. In this module, you’ll learn what equity looks like in practice, how it removes judgment, and the factors required to achieve equity for all students. 

When you start with the crown and not the kid, you’re focused on moving students to grade-level or better mastery, and not socioeconomics, race, culture, language, or the fact that you taught her brother, Melvin two years prior.

Module 8: The Fourth Rule of Ruthlessness – A Commitment to Momentum Over Mood Rings

No status-quo, mission-driven, learning-for-all pursuit is immune to challenges, frustrations, and false starts. In this module, I meet you at the door with a box of what you should expect and how to respond to potential problems of all kinds. Ruthless Equity is a gamechanger, but it isn’t a magic bullet. You learn how to navigate the learning curve that comes with disrupting the status quo.  This way, you’ll pierce the barriers that thwart your equity efforts, and position yourself for Ruthless Equity breakthroughs.

Module 9: "Decide" – You Must Decide

Your ruthless equity lens has provided you with the opportunity to examine your existing classroom, team, and school culture. In this module, you’ll learn a new definition of the word, decide. This definition will aid you in deciding what you will start doing, stop doing, and continue doing in the service of ensuring equity. What will you dismantle and disrupt in the service of learning excellence for each one of your students? This is where the rubber meets the road, baby.

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Ruthless Equity Video Book Study

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Disrupt the Status Quo and Ensure Learning for ALL Students

By: Ken Williams

In this powerful, unvarnished, status-quo-disrupting examination of the internal obstacles to providing genuine equal opportunities for every student, bestselling author Ken Williams shows readers how to identify and defeat the enemy of equity by unlocking these barriers through mindset and practice.

RUTHLESS EQUITY is a provocative, empowering coach and guide guaranteed to galvanize every educator who dreams of being an impactful equity warrior able to deliver on the promise of ensuring learning, excellence and achievement for ALL students, regardless of background.


  • About the author

  • reviews



  • work with super-charged confidence because you have clarity about how to ensure equity for EVERY student?
  • identify the difference between cosmetic gestures of equity and powerful equitable practices that are practical and impactful?
  • leverage equitable practices that will make student achievement both measurable and predictable?
  • lean into the collective genius of your colleagues because you understand that the answers are in the room?

Can you imagine never again wondering if you make a difference, 

because you now understand you are the difference?



In this powerful, unvarnished, status-quo-disrupting examination of the internal obstacles to providing genuine equal opportunities for every student, bestselling author Ken Williams shows readers how to identify and defeat the enemy of equity by unlocking these barriers through mindset and practice. 

RUTHLESS EQUITY is a provocative, empowering coach and guide guaranteed to galvanize every educator who dreams of being an equity warrior able to deliver on the promise of ensuring learning, excellence and achievement for ALL students, regardless of background.